Today, handling large amounts of customer data has become quite a challenging process. Salesforce CRM is leading worldwide as the cloud services provider. It is one of the best customer relationship management software which is being used by a number of enterprises on a global level. It has proven itself to be the best online software when it comes to data management and providing the best customer experience. 

One of the major reasons for the popularity of Salesforce is easy access to high-quality web-based tools and technologies. The functionalities and features of Salesforce help businesses in managing their data efficiently. 

Salesforce introduces new features every so often to supercharge and increase user productivity. Intelligent and strategic use of Salesforce capabilities will solve the major productivity problems faced by organizations on a daily basis. 

There can be multiple reasons for low productivity and the struggles that a business might be going through. Workflow inefficiencies due to the low quality of the marketing and sales system, poor planning of tasks and responsibilities, and unfamiliarity with systems’  capabilities and knowledge could be a few reasons for the slow growth of business and poor performance of users.  

With Salesforce Lightning and its high-tech features, you can easily manage and address all of these issues and problems.

In today’s post, we are going to talk about five such features of Salesforce that enhance the performance of users and ultimately fast-track the success, growth, and overall efficiency of the business.    


Macros in Salesforce allow the automation of repetitive tasks. It is a set of commands which directs the system to complete a task. This feature saves users a lot of time by reducing the  number of manual clicks required to perform actions and complete tasks. Macros support objects that have feed-based layout pages only (Account, Contact, Case, And Lead). 

It enables users to perform a series of actions followed by another action in the order of Macro. Overall it increases organizational productivity and efficiency. One example of the usage of Macros would be of creating a task that should be executed after sending an email. 

Some other examples include updating fields, updating the case status, sending emails to clients, and creating tasks, all with just a single click. Macros can help manage your sales by automating the clicks for opportunity building and account management.

Notification Builder

You can create custom notifications with Salesforce Notification Builder for public groups, teams, and task queues. Also, you can replace standard notifications and disable what’s not needed. 

Earlier Apex triggers were used to generate push notifications but now it can be done with the functionality of Salesforce. Custom notification can be triggered with the help of flows.

Notifications help to foster a more intuitive user experience and with the help of a notification builder you can control the notification experience and administer it better.

In App Guidance

Salesforce In App guidance allows system administrators to create and customize prompts in declarative manner. These can be used to communicate a new feature to end users or to train onboard users. Previously admins had to be dependent on communication mediums like chatter and email to reach out to the users but now with In App Guidance they can interact with users inside the Salesforce org. 

There are two types of In App Guidance prompts namely a single prompt and a walkthrough prompt. Single prompt can be used to create only one prompt while in case of a walkthrough prompt, a series of step-by-step prompts is used to introduce and communicate a new feature or a functionality to the users. It can have a maximum 10 number of steps. 

Also, there is a further sub-category of prompts, floating prompt and docked prompt. A floating prompt allows you to personalize the message. You can place it in one of the predefined nine positions on the page. A docked prompt offers more space and expanded area which can be used to embed a video, an image or step by step directions to complete a particular task.

Custom Help Menu

With the help of Lightning upgrade, system admins can now add navigational materials to the custom help menu. It is easy to customize the help menu according to the needs and preferences of businesses. Before this feature was introduced, users had to rely on developmental tools to customize the help menu.

Quick Text

The Quick text option allows you to insert predefined messages like short notes, greetings, and answer to common questions. It saves users’ time and helps in increasing standardization. It can be inserted in chats, events, tasks, emails and knowledge articles. 

These prepared and predefined messages help to boost productivity. This feature of Salesforce was earlier released as a component of the service cloud offering. Later it was enabled for the sales cloud as well.

Salesforce offers several tools and functionalities which can tackle a lot of issues related to customer relationship management and data handling. Effective communication and updating the platform can tremendously improve an organization’s productivity. It is important to learn and optimize Salesforce and utilize it to the best advantage of your business.